My name is Sarah Sidibe, and I am from France. I came to Japan to pursue a Master’s in Sport Management. I run Track and field, and my event is 400 meters. I love Japanese culture and enjoy my life at Tsukuba University. I am excited and grateful to be able to make friends every day.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

My first love was football. My brother and I joined the city team, and I was the only girl. I wanted to be a great player, as I was one of the fastest. A 1990’s Project Mbappe! However, my coach kept pushing me into athletics, and one day, my dad signed me at the Track & Field club. I thought he was crazy. My first opinion was, “My dad wants me to be a horse!” However, it’s been over 20 years that I have barely missed practice.
(私が最初に熱中したのはサッカーでした。兄と私は市のチームに入ったのですが、当時女の子は私だけでした。その中でも私は足が速かったので、 1990年代のムバッペのような存在になってやろう!と思っていました。しかし、コーチは私を陸上競技に押しやり続け、ある日とうとう、父が陸上クラブと契約してしまったのです。当時こそ、”私に馬になれというのか!”と父の神経を疑いましたが、それからもう20年以上、ずっと陸上競技の練習を続けています。)
So when I was asked, “Why do you do athletics?” I had to think about it. After so many tears, disappointment, and challenging practice, I had to reflect on why I would return the next day, ready to run whatever menu my coach said. Now, I know I love the feeling of freedom and speed. Running is not for anyone, and everyone cannot understand. Unlike soccer, Track & Field is a personal growth that can be witnessed after continuous practice over months and sometimes years. Yet, my friends and I are warriors, and we keep pushing toward our dreams.
I am grateful to athletics for two main reasons. First, I developed into a healthy and dedicated young woman.
Second, and for me, the most important thing is that I am part of a team. I am grateful to all my friends and Fake Tomodachi for being part of my life. Every day, when I see their smiles, I can’t help but be happy myself. When practice is hard, I know that I am not alone and that we can do it together.
(私が陸上競技に感謝している理由は2つあります。第一に、私を健康で献身的な若々しい女性に成長させてくれた点です。第二に、私にとって最も重要なことは、チームの一員となるきっかけをくれたことです。私の人生の一部となってくれたすべての友人と、”Fake トモダチ”に感謝しています。毎日、彼らの笑顔を見ていると、自分も幸せな気持ちにならずにはいられません。練習が大変なときでも私は一人じゃないし、一緒に頑張ろうと思わせてくれる存在です。)

I am proud to be a member of Tsukuba Athletics. Although I wish I could have supported my team faster and more robustly during Kanto Incare and Zen Care, I have no regrets.
I hope to be named the best cheerleader Tsukuba has ever had.
I dream of becoming wealthy enough to support Tsukuba team members. I aim to assist students with transport, food, and hotel costs during the significant competition. A student’s priority should be to compete, not financial. I will work hard for my goal and know I can do it.